परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षाः परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः ।
परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकारार्थमिदं शरीरम् ॥
परोपकारः = assistance to others
फलन्ति = give fruits (plural)
वृक्षाः = trees
वहन्ति = flow (plural)
नद्यः = rivers
दुहन्ति = give milk (plural)
गावः = cows
इदम् = this
शरीरम् = body
Trees give fruits to assist others. Rivers flow to help others.
Cows produce milk to feed others. In the same way, our own human
body should also be employed for the assistance of others.
एकेनापि सुवृक्षेण पुष्पितेना सुगन्धिना ।
वासितं तद् वनं सर्वं सुप्त्रेण कुलं यथा ॥
सन्धि विग्रह
एकेन अपि सुवृक्षेण पुष्पितेना सुगन्धिना ।
वासितं तद् वनं सर्वं सुप्त्रेण कुलं यथा ॥
अपि = also
वॄक्ष = tree
पुष्पित = one that has flowered
सुगन्धिं = one that has a nice fragrance
वासित = made fragrant
वन = forest
सुपुत्र = good son
कुल = family
यथा = As
Even by one good tree that has flowered and has a nice fragrance, the
whole forest is made fragrant, just as a whole fmaily is benefitted by one
good son.
न दुर्जनः सज्जनतामुपैति बहुप्रकारैरपि सेव्यमानः ।
भूयोऽपि सिक्तः पयसा घृतेन न निम्बवृक्षो मधुरत्वमेति ॥
सन्धि विग्रह
न दुर्जनः सज्जनतां उपैति बहु प्रकारैः अपि सेव्यमानः ।
भूयः अपि सिक्तः पयसा घृतेन न निम्बवृक्षः मधुरत्वं एति ॥
दुर्जन = wicked person
सज्जन = good man
उप + ई = to go to
बहु = many
प्रकार = way
सेव् = to serve
भूयः = repeatedly
सिक्त = sprayed
पयस् = milk
घृत = ghee
निम्ब = neem
वृक्ष = tree
मधुरत्व = sweetness
A wicked person shall never become good even if served in many ways.
A neem tree, even if repeatedly sprayed with milk and ghee shall
never become sweet
छायां अन्यस्य कुर्वन्ति तिष्ठन्ति स्वयं आतपे ।
फलानि अपि पर अर्थाय वृक्षाः सत्पुरुषा इव ॥
छाया = shade
अन्य = others
कुर्वन्ति = do (from kRi)
तिष्ठनि = stand (from sthA)
स्वयं = themselves
आतप = heat
फल = fruit
पर = others
अर्थ = benefit
वृक्ष = tree
सत् = good
पुरुष = man
They make shade for others and stand in the heat themselves. Even
fruits are for the good of others: Trees are indeed like good men.
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