किमपि शुभकार्यं गणेशवन्दनेन अथ वा सरस्वती वन्दनेन प्रारभ्यते ।
अतः एषः द्वितीयः श्लोकः सरस्वतिवन्दनाय समर्पयामि
Any good endeavour is begun be a prayer to Ganesh or Saraswati. Hence this
second subhhAshita of ASAD' is dedicated to Saraswati :
या कुन्देन्दुतुशारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।
या ब्रह्माच्युतशन्करप्रभृतिभिः देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥
One who is as white as a garland of kunda flowers and waterdrops, who has worn
white apparel, whose hand is placed on the stem of the vINA, who is sitting on a
white lotus, and who is always worshipped by Gods such as Brahma, Achyuta
(Vishnu) and Shankara, that Sarasvati, who completely steals (one's) lethargy
may bless me .
विद्यां प्रशंसिनं एनं श्लोकं मन्ये बहवो जानन्ति ।
(I think many people know this verse that praises knowledge)
न चोरहार्यं न च राजहार्यं न भ्रातृभाज्यम् न च भारकारी ।
व्यये कृते वर्धत एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम् ॥
It cannot be stolen by thieves, cannot be taken away by the king, cannot be
divided among brothers and does not cause a load. If spent, it always
multiplies. The wealth of knowledge is the greatest among all wealths.
अजरामरवत्प्राज्ञो विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् ॥
The wise man acquires knowldge and wealth as if he is never going to die. And
he practices relegion as if he is tightly held in his hair by death.
साहित्य संगीत कला विहीनः साक्षात् पशुः पुछ विषाण हीनः ।
तृणं न खादन्नपि जीवमानः तद् भागधेयं परमं पषूणाम् ॥
The man without (love of) literature music or the arts is indeed an animal
without a tail or horns. The fact that he survives even without eating
grass is indeed a great piece of luck for the other animals.
येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं
ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः ।
ते मर्त्यलोके भुविभारभूताः
मनुष्यरूपेण मॄगाश्चरन्ति ॥
Those who do not have learning, perseverence, are not charitable, do not
have wisdom, character, good qualities or relegion, are indeed a burden to
on the earth in the mortal world, and live as animals in the form of man.
अधिगत्य गुरोः ज्ञानं छात्रेभ्यो वितरन्ति ये ।
विद्या वात्सल्य निधयः शिक्षका मम दैवतम् ॥
The teachers who distribute knowledge among the students after getting it
from their gurus, and who are storehouses of love and knowledge, are
indeed like God to me.
सुंदरोपि सुशीलोपि कुलीलोपि महढनह ।
अकुलिनोपि विद्यावान्, देवैरपि स्।उपूज्यथे ॥
Bhavartha: A scholor even if he is from a backword class, is recognised and
respected even in the company of the people who are most beautiful.
who have great family background, and even among the gods.
क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
क्षण त्यागे कुतो विद्या कणत्यागे कुतो धनम् ॥
क्षणः = minute
क्षणशः = minute by minute
कणः = grain, bit
कणशः = bit by bit
विद्याम् = knowledge
अर्थम् = money
च = and
साधयेत् = accomplish, achieve
त्यागः = abandon, renounce
कुतः = from where
Knowledge should be persued with minute by minute efforts.
Money should be earned utilising each and every grain.
If you waste time, how can you get knowledge ?
If you waste resources, how can you accumulate the wealth ?
गुरुशुश्रूशया विद्या पुष्कलेन धनेन वा ।
अथ वा विद्यया विद्या चतुर्थो न उपलभ्यते ॥
गुरु = teacher
शुश्रूशा = service
विद्या = knowledge
पुश्कल = a lot
धन = money
चतुर्थ = fourth
उप + लभ् = to obtain
Knowledge (is acquired) by serving the teacher, or by a lot of money
or by (exchange of) knowledge. A fourth (path) is not available
प्रत्यक्ष कविकाव्यं च रूपं च कुलयोषितः ।
गृहवैद्यस्य विद्या च कस्मैचिद्यदि रोचते ॥
प्रत्यक्ष = real, visible, directly in front
कवि = poet
काव्यं = Composition/poetry/literary work
च = and
कुलयोषितः = One who brightens the family(?) (meaning house wife?)
रूपं च = Her beauty
गृहवैद्यस्य = family doctor's
विद्या = knowledge
यदि = do they
कस्मै चित् = ever
रोचते = shine/please/appeal?
The composition of a contemporary poet and the beauty of one's own wife do not
appeal to man, and it is indeed true generally that neither a saint nor an
artist is ever recognized and honoured in his own time or clime.
अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता च प्रिया च भार्या प्रियवादिनी च ।
वश्यश्च पुत्रोऽर्थकारी च विद्या षड् जीवलोकस्य सुखानि राजन् ॥
सन्धि विग्रह
अर्थ आगमः नित्यं अरोगिता च प्रिया च भार्या प्रिय वादिनी च ।
वश्यः च पुत्रः अर्थकारी च विद्या षड् जीव लोकस्य सुखानि राजन् ॥
अर्थ = money
आगम = arrival
नित्य = always
अरोगित = diseaselessness
प्रिय = dear
वादिनी = she who speaks
वश्य = under control
पुत्र = son
विद्या = knowledge
षड् = six
जीव लोक = the mortal world
राजन् = king
O King, The arrival of money, incessant good health, a dear and sweet speaking
wife, a son under one's control (a son who has not strayed from the right
path), and knowledge capable of earning money are the six happinesses of the
mortal world.
अम्बा यस्य उमादेवी जनकः यस्य शंकरः ।
विद्यां ददाति सर्वेभ्यः स नः पातु गजाननः ॥
अम्बा = mother
उमा = pArvatI
जनक = father
विद्या = knowledge
दा = to give
पा = to bless
गज = elephant
आनन = mouth
May the elephant faced one (Ganapati) whose mother is umA devi.
whose father is sha.nkara and who gives knowledge to everybody, bless us.
अतः एषः द्वितीयः श्लोकः सरस्वतिवन्दनाय समर्पयामि
Any good endeavour is begun be a prayer to Ganesh or Saraswati. Hence this
second subhhAshita of ASAD' is dedicated to Saraswati :
या कुन्देन्दुतुशारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।
या ब्रह्माच्युतशन्करप्रभृतिभिः देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥
One who is as white as a garland of kunda flowers and waterdrops, who has worn
white apparel, whose hand is placed on the stem of the vINA, who is sitting on a
white lotus, and who is always worshipped by Gods such as Brahma, Achyuta
(Vishnu) and Shankara, that Sarasvati, who completely steals (one's) lethargy
may bless me .
विद्यां प्रशंसिनं एनं श्लोकं मन्ये बहवो जानन्ति ।
(I think many people know this verse that praises knowledge)
न चोरहार्यं न च राजहार्यं न भ्रातृभाज्यम् न च भारकारी ।
व्यये कृते वर्धत एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम् ॥
It cannot be stolen by thieves, cannot be taken away by the king, cannot be
divided among brothers and does not cause a load. If spent, it always
multiplies. The wealth of knowledge is the greatest among all wealths.
अजरामरवत्प्राज्ञो विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् ॥
The wise man acquires knowldge and wealth as if he is never going to die. And
he practices relegion as if he is tightly held in his hair by death.
साहित्य संगीत कला विहीनः साक्षात् पशुः पुछ विषाण हीनः ।
तृणं न खादन्नपि जीवमानः तद् भागधेयं परमं पषूणाम् ॥
The man without (love of) literature music or the arts is indeed an animal
without a tail or horns. The fact that he survives even without eating
grass is indeed a great piece of luck for the other animals.
येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं
ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः ।
ते मर्त्यलोके भुविभारभूताः
मनुष्यरूपेण मॄगाश्चरन्ति ॥
Those who do not have learning, perseverence, are not charitable, do not
have wisdom, character, good qualities or relegion, are indeed a burden to
on the earth in the mortal world, and live as animals in the form of man.
अधिगत्य गुरोः ज्ञानं छात्रेभ्यो वितरन्ति ये ।
विद्या वात्सल्य निधयः शिक्षका मम दैवतम् ॥
The teachers who distribute knowledge among the students after getting it
from their gurus, and who are storehouses of love and knowledge, are
indeed like God to me.
सुंदरोपि सुशीलोपि कुलीलोपि महढनह ।
अकुलिनोपि विद्यावान्, देवैरपि स्।उपूज्यथे ॥
Bhavartha: A scholor even if he is from a backword class, is recognised and
respected even in the company of the people who are most beautiful.
who have great family background, and even among the gods.
क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
क्षण त्यागे कुतो विद्या कणत्यागे कुतो धनम् ॥
क्षणः = minute
क्षणशः = minute by minute
कणः = grain, bit
कणशः = bit by bit
विद्याम् = knowledge
अर्थम् = money
च = and
साधयेत् = accomplish, achieve
त्यागः = abandon, renounce
कुतः = from where
Knowledge should be persued with minute by minute efforts.
Money should be earned utilising each and every grain.
If you waste time, how can you get knowledge ?
If you waste resources, how can you accumulate the wealth ?
गुरुशुश्रूशया विद्या पुष्कलेन धनेन वा ।
अथ वा विद्यया विद्या चतुर्थो न उपलभ्यते ॥
गुरु = teacher
शुश्रूशा = service
विद्या = knowledge
पुश्कल = a lot
धन = money
चतुर्थ = fourth
उप + लभ् = to obtain
Knowledge (is acquired) by serving the teacher, or by a lot of money
or by (exchange of) knowledge. A fourth (path) is not available
प्रत्यक्ष कविकाव्यं च रूपं च कुलयोषितः ।
गृहवैद्यस्य विद्या च कस्मैचिद्यदि रोचते ॥
प्रत्यक्ष = real, visible, directly in front
कवि = poet
काव्यं = Composition/poetry/literary work
च = and
कुलयोषितः = One who brightens the family(?) (meaning house wife?)
रूपं च = Her beauty
गृहवैद्यस्य = family doctor's
विद्या = knowledge
यदि = do they
कस्मै चित् = ever
रोचते = shine/please/appeal?
The composition of a contemporary poet and the beauty of one's own wife do not
appeal to man, and it is indeed true generally that neither a saint nor an
artist is ever recognized and honoured in his own time or clime.
अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता च प्रिया च भार्या प्रियवादिनी च ।
वश्यश्च पुत्रोऽर्थकारी च विद्या षड् जीवलोकस्य सुखानि राजन् ॥
सन्धि विग्रह
अर्थ आगमः नित्यं अरोगिता च प्रिया च भार्या प्रिय वादिनी च ।
वश्यः च पुत्रः अर्थकारी च विद्या षड् जीव लोकस्य सुखानि राजन् ॥
अर्थ = money
आगम = arrival
नित्य = always
अरोगित = diseaselessness
प्रिय = dear
वादिनी = she who speaks
वश्य = under control
पुत्र = son
विद्या = knowledge
षड् = six
जीव लोक = the mortal world
राजन् = king
O King, The arrival of money, incessant good health, a dear and sweet speaking
wife, a son under one's control (a son who has not strayed from the right
path), and knowledge capable of earning money are the six happinesses of the
mortal world.
अम्बा यस्य उमादेवी जनकः यस्य शंकरः ।
विद्यां ददाति सर्वेभ्यः स नः पातु गजाननः ॥
अम्बा = mother
उमा = pArvatI
जनक = father
विद्या = knowledge
दा = to give
पा = to bless
गज = elephant
आनन = mouth
May the elephant faced one (Ganapati) whose mother is umA devi.
whose father is sha.nkara and who gives knowledge to everybody, bless us.
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